It was over 20 years ago that Dominic Lord discovered the profound healing possibilities of combining energy work, tantra, coaching, and sensual sensation play. It revealed itself after many years of personal and spiritual growth and the realization that, by combining his unique combination of skills and abilities, people were able to open to their authentic, powerful, and loving selves. This included the inner realms of love, power, intuition, sexual energy, and grounded consciousness that resulted in their full natural expression. From there a person can experience levels of self-awareness and connection to others that were never before possible. Join us for this live demonstration of how Dominic Lord creates and holds the space for a woman to fully understand and BE their natural selves.
It was when receiving a profound therapy session in 1994 that Dominic Lord discovered that he could actually change his belief system and his way of being that had developed from his childhood experiences. From then on, he chose to dedicate his life to personal and spiritual growth so that he could discover and be his authentic self. His journey spans decades receiving deep therapy, countless experiential growth workshops lead by many different teachers, and continues to this day. These have taken many forms, including psychic awareness, energy healing, kink techniques, and tantra.
When he realized that his natural attraction to being a loving Dominant created awakenings in people, he dedicated himself to undergo extensive trainings in multiple healing modalities and techniques. These included years of workshops and trainings in sensation play and sensual restraint. He is now a Certified Professional Life Coach, a Certified Relationship Coach, a Certified Tantra Instructor, and trained Therapeutic Kink practitioner.
Dominic works with individuals, couples and groups to help them have full, natural and clear sense of themselves and how to authentically be in relationship with power, passion and love.
Tantric body worker, healer, sensual massage therapist, and webcam Model “Skye” will be your model for the evening.