Resources & Links
In deep ongoing appreciation, here you may discover links to my current collaborators, mentors, teachers, trainings and resources that influence my presence ❤︎

The Urban Tantra® Professional Training Program is a community, a philosophy, and an inclusive sacred sexuality practice that supports both personal and professional goals. This was my entrypoint to sacred sexuality and theraputic kink in the summer of 2017. Seven years later, I have assisted, continued to co-create, and recieve mentorship Barbara Carrellas and our dynamic international community of erotic pioneers.

Institute for the Study of Somatic Sex Education – I enrolled in this program and it’s community at the height of the pandemic lockdowns. This program and its teachers increased my capacity for understanding the arousal of my nervous system, relational power dynamics, comprehensive embodied anatomy and gave me tools for supporting others in accessing expanded pleasure. I became certified in the fall of 2023.

Caffyn Jesse of Ecstatic Belonging is one of my most cherished Quelders. They are out an proud and have been one of the pioneers of teaching intimacy through touch, sacred intimacy and founded several programs, published an abundance of books, media and resources. It was their voice that drew me into my studies with the ISSSE. They continue to inspire me and offer wild and weird authentic ways for the world to witness something radically different.

Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers – (ACSB) is devoted to the promotion, support, development and accountability of the profession of somatic sex education and Certified Sexological Bodyworkers. As a member, I hold myself accountable to on-going professional development and practicing within the code of ethics.

CoreAwareness – The Basic Psoas workshop with Liz Koch redefined my relationship with my nervous system and my whole body. Her deep understanding and wealth of knowledge has supported my alignment, posture and body awareness. My chronic pain has completely shifted and I feel much more plugged in. Since the training, I have dedicated a portion of my daily embodiment practice to tending to my psoas, the muscle of the soul.

Wheel of Consent training with The School of Consent – Whether you are a bodywork practitioner, an erotic facilitator or a relationship geek, Betty Martin offers many resources that support a deeper understanding of boundaries and consent.

Morgan (Momo) Switzer Rodney – The amazing (kink) doula and fierce advocate for reproductive and sexual health. She is featured in the first image on my homepage.

Zukaro Media – A Vancouver based video production company who supports my Queeros visions through high quality professional services.

Ro Rose of Queerly Fluid – A fellow Sexological Bodyworker, erotic co-conspirator and the embodied mastermind behind Somatic Gendering an online course in support of expansion through gender fuckery. They are the generous body gracing this site with erotic massage imagery.

Ari Lazer is the creative wizard behind Sacred Light Design Co and who was my original teacher and inspiration into the world of sacred geometry. He continues to share stories of creation, offers classes and stunning custom designs for home, business, festivals and beyond.