Join Raynefyre as they invite you to explore embodied pleasure through guided ecstatic breath.
Shared ritual in the light of the full moon, is an excellent time for shedding and letting go that which no longer serves us. You are invited to explore the question: What’s in the way of your path to pleasure?
Intentional breath can be a vehicle for journeying into our roots, creativity, $ex, choice, love, truth, knowing, and being in connection to the universal wholeness. It can support us in accessing emotions, sensation, vision, orgasmic pleasure and altered states of consciousness.
This guided journey is an experiential offering weaving together a fiery flow of up regulating breath techniques and personal choice for movement, sound and touch. This space is clothing optional and will be kept warm.
Together we will start in circle and set individual intentions for our shared journey. After a short demo and some nest building we will experience the magic of collective erotic embodiment and wholeness. There will be a closing circle with optional share and tea.
Early bird investment: $33
(no one will be turned away due to lack of funds. Message Raynefyre to make arrangements)
(no one will be turned away due to lack of funds. Message Raynefyre to make arrangements)
No previous experience required
Space available for 12 participants
Register before June 13 @ midnight to hold your spot
Space available for 12 participants
Register before June 13 @ midnight to hold your spot