Bodywork Client Application Name Pronouns Phone Email How did you hear about my practice? Do you have previous experience receiving erotic bodywork or other sex work? Please share more about what type of bodywork, how long ago and how often. For reference, please share the names and contact information of your previous last two erotic bodyworkers. Together with coaching in breath, movement, body awareness, boundary-setting, communication, sessions can include the following one-way touch and embodiment activities. Check the ones that interest you the most. Together with coaching in breath, movement, body awareness, boundary-setting, communication, sessions can include the following one-way touch and embodiment activities. Check the ones that interest you the most. ecstatic breathwork pleasure coaching sensual massage erotic awakening trance massage sensation play impact play rope bondage de-armourning scar care Do you have any specific intentions you have for our work together? The following questions are to help me create the best experience for our time together. My approach to body work is trauma informed and based in meeting you where you are at. Welcoming your wholeness, your glorious and not-so glorious self. The following questions are to help me create the best experience for our time together. My approach to body work is trauma informed and based in meeting you where you are at. Welcoming your wholeness, your glorious and not-so glorious self. I agree to do my best and only answer where I feel comfortable Tell me about your current spiritual, mindfulness or embodiment practice. Frequency? What is your experience with altered states of consciousness? Tell me about your current relationship to self pleasure and orgasm? Do you have any relevant allergies or medical conditions? Difficult things from my sexual/sensual past or present I want you to know are: Things I celebrate about my past or present in my journey with sexuality/sensuality and gender that want you to know: Please add anything else you would like me to know about your sexual history or current desire patterns, ie: gender identity, sexual orientation(s), self-pleasuring practices, fantasies, accessibility needs or any other information that you feel may be supportive of our time together. I CONSENT I CONSENT By selecting this button I understand that any information I share is private and confidential and will only be used for the purpose of assessment and welcoming me into my practice with Raynefyre. I UNDERSTAND I UNDERSTAND All sessions are consent based and client lead. This means I will be empowered to choose my own adventure. We will create an agreement with intention, and I am responsible for stating my desires, limits and boundaries before each session. I AGREE I AGREE By selecting this button, I agree that I am an adult of legal age. This is a co-created experience and I am accountable and responsible for that what is in my domain. This includes understanding consent, my right to body autonomy and agency, expressing my needs, wants, desires, limitations and boundaries. Send Application