lovely clients have said:

format_quoteI am very grateful to have received an erotic massage from Raynefyre, they are very professional, and really gifted with touch and attunement. I felt safe and supported in my wants, needs and limits, intake was super fluid and easy. Raynefyre is really grounded, friendly, both calm and energetic, the touch was perfect for me: firm , deep and confident when needed, and more gentle or subtle when appropriate. I felt good from head to toes afterwards, my relaxed body buzzing with aliveness. Highly recommend.format_quote
I am very grateful to have received an erotic massage from you. Your loving presence made me feel safe and I felt you normalize my sexuality for me. I very much enjoyed the massage and could feel soft yet powerful energy flowing out of your hands and into my body.
Raynefyre is an exceptional communicator and is adept at creating safe space to experience deep pleasure, profound healing and expanded awareness. Since my session I have felt supercharged and full of buoyant, vibrant energy.
I have noticed more calm and clarity in my body since the Ecstatic Breath workshop with Raynefyre. The breath medicine that they gave me is turning out to be a wonderful tool for navigating my busy life.
I was fortunate to receive support from Raynefyre in the form of ecstatic massage/body work while I was going through harsh side effects from cancer treatments. It was a point in my life where I felt I had been disconnected from myself for months, and could not find the will or energy to work at getting back (or moving forward). What this support did for me is hard to describe in words, which makes sense because it was a somatic experience and not about mental understanding. Raynefyre's physical presence and touch let me reengage with my physical self in a way that brought me past the pain and exhaustion I was feeling. I connected with different and pleasurable sensations, that made me feel at ease and calm for the first time in months. To this day I remember to breathe because of this experience. It left me with something I had lost for a while .. hope. I don't know what your experience will be working with Raynefyre, but I can tell you for me it was getting a piece of my self back.

Do you have a transformational somatic expereince that you’d like to share? How has working with me expanded your capacity to be out in the world?

I am happy to keep your identity anonymous or please include the name and any links you would like me to share.

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