Luminescent Truth Original


Reflections on what’s it like to live in a self imposed prison. A shift in perspective with a change of light. This motif is the key, a representation of the throat chakra and torus. A mantra – “I have the key and I have what it takes to open the door of power through my truth”. Wrestling an inner authority that say all kinds of things to keep me silent. It feels rebellious each time I speak my mind. Each thought moves through many gates before it passes through my lips.

This 22" round birch panel is the perfect base for metallic acrylic paint laid out by hand and compass.

There is comfort in my inner world, the silence the peace. It takes effort to not hold back and be in comfort. It’s my life’s work to honour my truth and continue share freely.

As I step more fully into a role as an educator and mentor, I aim to meet my edges with love.

This painting is about opening the gates fully and stepping into fully using my voice as a tool for compassion and change. For sharing insight through my lived experience. Opening the throat centre to share what’s true for me. It’s a reminder that, what I say matters.

For this piece, I used metallic paint that reflects the light. I also played with light emitting glow in the dark pigment to shine light on the shadowiest times.

This painting is a reminder to speak up and say the things I need, want and desire to hear in the world.

Additional information

Weight 5 kg
Dimensions 99 × 5 × 99 cm